Monday, April 28, 2014

college, passion, and goals

Probably a serious post to start out with but you got to start somewhere, right? I'm 18 I attended an early college high school. This just means that I graduated early. So after I graduated I attended a community college for almost 3 semesters. Just recently I decided to stop going. I was on academic probation but that's only a small part of the decision I made to stop attending. The big part was that I had absolutely no idea what I was going for. People say you can go to college and then figure out what you want to do but that just wasn't working for me. Not only was I wasting my financial aid but I was wasting my time.

I am in no way trying to give off the idea that you shouldn't go to college because you don't know what you want to do because trying things while you're there may work for you it just didn't work for me. I'm also not saying you shouldn't attend college at all I would like to go back in the maybe not-so-near future. Whatever I decide I'll be sure to share it.


  1. Hi! I'm 19 and thankfully have figured out what to do - I'm studying medicine, almost done with my 1st year. I think you may have multiple interests and you can't decide what exactly are you serious about - this was something which troubled me for a while. Anyway, all the best for your future, whatever you decide to do! (My name is Atiba by the way)

    1. Thank you Atiba, I thought about becoming a doctor but I have great memory skills.

    2. My problem is that I've got many interests (blogging being the newest!). But anyway now I'm just going to be a doctor. Other things can be just my hobbies! :)

    3. I don't really have much interest in many things. I want to read more, travel, become a better photographer and have fun enjoying the little things. Photography, reading and YouTube(watching) are my hobbies.

  2. Ok.. I think you can be a travel photographer, as that covers travel + photography. Anything else on your mind? I'd have thought you'd prefer something intellectual, as you have great memory. (and hope I'm not bothering you??)

  3. Oh no you're no bother at all.. I meant to say I don't have a great memory. I thought about Travel Photography and Photo journalism or Videography but I'm still looking for my style.

  4. Oh ok that's fine.. Take your time to find your style. I like travelling too, but not as a profession. Actually I never had a conversation through comments before, that's why asked you if it's fine or not. Would look forward to more posts of yours. Hope we'll be friends for long! Good luck, have a great day ahead!
