Saturday, July 5, 2014

Happy Independence Day!

I know what you're thinking, "The Fourth of July was yesterday." Yes I know but it sounds so much better than saying happy belated Independence Day, doesn't it?
For the Fourth I went to a cookout with my cousins at one of there family members homes. when we got there it was still light outside, but not for long. We ate and sat outside in the backyard for a while but it wasn't the nicest yesterday, we were cold. So, me and my younger cousin decided to go sit in the car until they started to light the various fire crackers. When we got out the car to watch I came to realize that I forgot to take my camera with me. I was upset for a few minutes that I wouldn't get any pictures of the fireworks. I did manage to save two sparklers for when we got back home. After all the fireworks were finished we got in the car and drove back home. I ran upstairs to get my camera so I can take a few pictures of my cousins lighting and throwing the firecrackers their mom had.
Here are a few pictures that were sort of decent.
The result of trying to write Happy Fourth.

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