Sunday, September 21, 2014

Preparing to work in the field of Customer Service

     Since being a (summer) camp counselor isn't a year long job I'm in need of a new job. Before I started my summer job I applied for a training program that would equip me with a certification in customer service and prepare me to work in the field. It is a 14 week program split up in two phases. The first phase is four weeks of in class training and at the end you take a online test to get the certification. Assuming you pass the test the next ten weeks (Phase 2) is a internship at a retail store. It isn't a paid internship but you do get a stipend each week from the program. The first four weeks you get a $60 stipend and the the ten weeks you get a $110 stipend (weekly).
     I have been going back and forth to the place once a week for the past three weeks to sort everything I needed to do out. The first week I had to come in for them to explain to us what the program was going to be about (which I already knew). The following week I had to go back to take a TABE which stands for Test of Adult Basic Education which I thought was a trick at first because it looked identical to the standardized test I took back in 5th Grade. Afterwards it made me think about when I was in highschool and we (students) use to say "what are we learning this for not like we're ever going to use it again?!" when we had trigonometry.
     This past Wednesday when I had to go back there for a third time it was to speak with a case manager. She was going to be the person who--well I'm not quite sure what she said she would help me with. She however did tell me that I now--after my past two visits where nobody mentioned--will not only need to go to DMV and apply for a state ID but I also have to call my school to prove that I'm not in school. I went there two weeks in a row and now a week before I have to go to orientation I am told that I need to bring in other things.
     I'm not complaining but seriously that should have been on the check list or at least all the staff should have known because I was told that I was fine just using my former college ID. I also called my school by the way and was told I have to come in to get a letter stating I'm not enrolled because email is so old-school.
     Excuse my whiny tone I am still pretty psyched to start the program (if I am able to). I thought the certification would look nice on my resume and the extra cash wouldn't hurt either since I spent just about all my summer earnings (which is why I'm complaining about the back and fourth). Plus it would be nice to have some help with making my resume shine and getting a job.

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