Monday, November 24, 2014

HG Mockingjay part 1 book/movie wrap-up

     I didn't read all three books in the Hunger Games series however I did read the last book titled Mockingjay. I read the last book because one Friday I decided to watch the first and second movie and it left me wanting to know what happened next so the next day I decided to spend all day reading the book. Needless to say it was phenomenal since I literally sat and read the whole book that day, only getting up to use the bathroom.
    Yesterday I went to the movies to see Ouija which was okay I'd give it 2.5 of 5 stars but anyways this isn't about that. I didn't plan on going to see HG Mockingjay because I don't like to see movies the day it come out because of crowds. After Ouija I saw Mockingjay because I was really excited and the person I was with thought it would be silly to wait since being that I was so excited.
     The movie added some details that weren't in the book like a back-story for characters and like all book-to-movie adaptations things were taken out. In this case the things that were taken out was small and didn't take away from the story being told. I think it was a pretty good adaptation for people like me who would like movie adaptations to be as close to the book as possible. For people who only watched the movie it may have seemed a bit unnecessary for it to have been broken up into two movies.
     While some people may not have liked part 1 because it did feel like watching a prologue and there wasn't as much action in it but I loved it. Being that I read the book I know part 2 is going to be a action packed, heart-breaking bowl of goodness.
     I give this movie and the book 5/5 stars.

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